Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Kinabalu Story : The climb Part 2

  The next morning we woke up at about 1.45 am. It was freeeezing cold. I wore 4 layers of long sleeved top and 3 layers of pants.( 2 heat tech tights and a trackbottom) and a super thick beanie. With all these layers on me , I totally forgot about my fingers! I only brought 1 stupid pair of gloves. SMART ASS .

  After we got ready, we headed for supper. Drink as much hot drink as possible, it helps warm your body up. I filled my flask with hot water for the climb up the summit. Super useful for when you reach the summit. After supper all of us started our journey up. Im so happy that everyone started their journey at almost the same time. Everyone's head lamp helped each other up cause the whole way was PITCH BLACK. Oh and the walkway is rocks all the way up. I could feel that it was much more difficult to breathe this time as the air is thin. All I did was kept drinking my hot water. Helps a tad bit, thankfully.

  As we climbed, I kept looking down cause I was so scared that I might trip over a rock or something. Then suddenly everyone slowed down. I looked up and saw a line of head lamps "floating" up a really high slope. " Shit" - I thought. This must be where the rope is.

  Ah , the rope. I had done thorough research before I started the climb. Everyone kept saying the hardest part is this. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and grabbed the rope.  I noticed it was so much easier to walk if i had leaned to the back and shifted my weight to my arms. The bloody rope was wet as it rained earlier on. My fingers were starting to shiver the first few steps. Obviously I was only focusing on getting my steps right and holding on the rope for dear life. Suddenly Yana said " Ashee, check out the vieewwwww!!!! " . I turned around and the first thing that popped in my head was " SubhanAllah".  I had never seen that amount of stars before in my life. The moon was shining so bright, stars were twinkling and it was 3am so the village was lighted up so beautifully. Yana and I both wanted to take out our camera to snap a picture but then we remembered that we're actually hanging off a cliff with just a rope. So we had to pass.

  My fingers were already soaking wet and freezing cold that at some point I gave up on the rope. God must've heard the pace of my heartbeat at this point, he blessed upon me courage I never knew I had (Cheeeyyy). Somehow I managed to let go of the rope and just crawled up. I know Yana was shocked cause she suddenly said " Why are you suddenly so badass???" And I replied " Think Spiderman Yana !Think spiderman!! "  

   After transferring from rope to rope, we finally reached Sayat-Sayat station. This is apparently the make it or break it point for so many climbers. By the way, you're suppose to pass this station before 5am. After "signing in" , we continued climbing. Maaaannnn, that last 1.5km was horrible. Yana and I kept taking turns to rest. All I could think of was " Left, right, left, right, left , right.....shit I need to sit down". I climbed, I walked backwards, I crawled, I sang, I sat down, when suddenly the sun appeared behind me. That was when I realized how high up we were.

This was at eye level. I was actually standing above the clouds. I was so so so happy that we made it. I called my mum up and it was only 6am she sounded so worried. I shouted "IM AT THE SUMMIT, MA!!!!!" . All hail Maxis I tell you. I uploaded the picture the moment I took it. 3G at 4095.2m above sea level. Damn awesome la you, Maxis.

It was so cold I had to sumbat a heat patch inside my gloves. My fingers were so numb I could barely press the keyboard on my phone.

  I thought going up was painful. I totally forgot about coming down. The pathway down is the same pathway up. So, imagine having to walk backwards with the rope. CRAZY. I thank god again that it was misty that day so that I couldnt see how high up we were. It rained the whole way down. Lost count of how many times i slipped and fell on my ass. Nice pattern on my track bottom la i suppose.

  It was such a good experience. I hope Yana had as much fun as I did. I definitely want to hike more often now. If only my friends werent such princesses.Ish.

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