Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Family Vacation part 2

I should start this post by saying Im not afraid of the sun. I guess its after the many years of being "jemur-ed" under the sun during band practices in high school. Man those were the days when we would be under the sun from 9am-5pm daily. And I wouldnt wear sunblock cause it makes my skin feel even more burnt. Somehow. So yeah, I just dont apply sunblock....ever. (bad example, dont follow).

So during my Phuket trip, mum went on and on about how I need to bring a hat to protect my face and make sure I apply sunblock....yada yada. And of course I did lah cause im such a good daughter okay. Anyway when we decided to go island hoping and snorkelling, I was obviously the most excited. We chose the big boat(seriously its whats its called)  package as oppose to the speed boat package. We went to 3 different islands namely Phi Phi Island, Maya bay and Khai Island.

Khai Island took about an hour to get to. Throughout the whole trip I sat right in front of the boat. It was so windy! Mum membebel-ed about how dark Ill get. Pfffttt chill la ma.

Amateurs la ya'll ! -_-" 

Brotha in law


Khai Island is the perfect place to be at for people who dont know how to swim but still wish to see the fishes up close ! You dont even need to swim all the way in to see the fishes. I would advice to bring bread cause the fishes seem super hungry ( it kept biting me. Or maybe its just its way to tell me Im fat) .


Dad's just not a water person unlike the rest of the family. Its good cause he can take our pictures. tehehehe.
We were given an hour at the island. It was enough for us to swim around and soak up more sun. hahaha.

Later on we headed to Maya Bay. The scenery on the way to Maya Bay was beyond beautiful. People who were just sitting inside the boat seriously dont know what they're missing.  Just like in Tioman, we had to just jump off the boat and snorkel our way around. Me being me, I didnt want to put on a life jacket. Somehow I feel so restricted when I wear it and I wanted to feel like an overweight mermaid , ya know what Im saying yo'?

SubhanAllah , kan? =) 


Dad was too scared to swim. hahaha. Anyway I wish I had an underwater camera. It was so beautiful. I kept following fishes and kept bumping into people. The corals in Tioman are much more colourful though. But it was still just as beautiful. The fact that I wasnt wearing any life jacket had me put much more effort swimming. Was a good workout too!

Later on we headed to Phi Phi Island. I was so excited cause Ive read so much about it. I ended up going shopping instead of the beach though. hahaha!

All in all, I loved my snorkelling and island hopping trip. I wished I had time to visit James Bond island .Hopefully in our next trip !

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